Ken Kenobbie

Ken Kenobbie is an offense and defense instructor for the Foothill Gold 18G Program.

Ken Kenobbie has been married for the last 30 years to his wife Laura.  Ken's daughter that attended Dickinson State and played softball there.  Ken also has a son that is proudly serving in the military.  Ken brings with him many years of softball and baseball experience and knowledge of the game. 

This exceptional coach has worked with girls and boys at all levels.  Ken is adept at utilizing the talents of players creating a strong team environment and emphasizing sportsmanship.  Ken’s passion is developing well rounded players.

Ken has the ability to help players address and correct their problems, with the ability to help the player reach their goals.   Since 2004 he has coached many travel ball teams.  He has worked with all levels and age groups of girls’ softball teams.  Currently he is coaching with the Foothill Gold 18 Gold and has been with them since 2012.  Ken is currently the assistant coach at American River College.

Ken has played 12 years of men’s fast pitch softball.  He has played for several teams, including The Spurs, Pirates, SLS, and the Fireballs.  All these teams Ken played at the “A” level.

Ken KenobbieCoach/Hitting